Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bball - Kalamunda Grand Finals Recap

Well Monday 28 June 2010 8pm was the final match before Monday night ball stops till 26 July 2010.
We made it to the Grand finals. In my opinion this was a big accomplishment, as it was only my second season on this new team and making it though a gruelling 3 round battle after a shocking regular season were we just barely scraped in.

I've got to say since changing my training methods and quitting pick up basketball with my mates on the weekend and just focusing on self training or training with my team mates, I've seen a dramatic improvement in my abilities which has brought me to a whole new level.

Now you may think training and not playing any pick up games could get boring etc. etc., but to me, it really fits my personality. I consider myself a pretty competitive person when it come to certain things, basketball being one of them, and just being a amateur does not cut in my books. I'm not exactly a tall player, I actually around the same height as shortest player that has played the professional game of basketball. With this height, the only way to compete is to be a skilful player or plan and simple, better than the competition.

This is my main source of energy, with my competitive spirit, motivation to improve and get better and better and a heart of no fear, I'm able to accomplish what a lot of people can only think of.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

One of those Days

So I had one of those days where it was just a typical day. Rocked up at work and as usual did what had to be done. So the half day of work was all good, seriously while I'm working I'm actually enjoy it but at the same time i know that work takes up a majority of my time and balancing that with what free time i have left is a challange itself.

Reason why i enjoy work and also can i say happy while at it is because i do not have to think of anything else but work, My current workplace provide enough challanges in my path that im constantly learning new stuff each and every day.

Other places that i enjoy is when i play basketball and just chilling to my favourite music or watching my favorite tv shows.

The problem is when im not doing any of these, my mind start to wonder and i begin to think of my life and where should i go from here=\.

Site Update

So, I've started this blog and I've been thinking on what i would actually write about. The stuff i had in mind was just stuff about my hobbies like my passion for basketball, games and computer, but now that ive started a blog i feel i can use it to express my feeling about watever i want to tell to whoever maybe interested in reading.

I never really thought of writing much in my past, but i guess one of my goals in 2010 is to write a blog and express my inner self rather than keeping it to myself.

Keep in mind most of my post could be just a bunch of rambling thought that are going though my mind and may not make any sense and possibly i might just leave it that way and not do any edits as it the truest form of what im going though at that particular time while i was writing the post.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


MAIN BLOG PAGE STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION, in the mean time u can check out All Things Aegyo and learn some korean vocab.

An young