Tuesday, July 27, 2010

An Odd Dream


So I had this dream from last week which didn't make much sense like with all other dream you usually get. It been awhile since i actually had a decent dream. Maybe it because I haven't had much sleep since my birthday had passed in the pass week. There is no reason why i didn't get much sleep, I pretty much kinda got into a habit of sleeping an avg of 4-5 hours a night which really took it toll toward the end of the work week.

Anyway about this dream of mine, I'll try recap as much of it as I can remember, as most of it has already faded away from my memory.

The location in which this dream took place was at my grandma very old place which was like almost 10years ago. The grandma I was referring to is my grandma on my mothers side. The scenery was very weird, it look as though it was a reminiscent of a past event that took place year ago before she had to move to a new house. I wonder why my dream would show me this distant memory of the yearly meet up we use to have. Could it be my dream is telling me that I should be fond of these old memories? Thinking about it now, we still do have yearly dinners but it just doesn't feel the same. The cousin I use to meet there were cousin I use to always keep in contact with and would regularly get together and do stuff but now we hardly even have time to meet or even speak, and even if we do see each other now there isn't much in common that we can talk about as we all have different interest and bonding any interesting small talk just never felt the same as it did 10 or so years ago.

While the location of this dream was at this place, there was actually something that was odd, I remember that my sweet MC Foo was there aswell. Though i could not remember why she was in my dream I do only remember her giving me that smile she like doing. It hard to explain the smile but whenever she does it, it always put a smile on my face.
Now I wonder why MC Foo would be doing in my dream, could it be all the recent chats that we had in the past that has put a fond memory in me? Speaking of chats, I really do miss those nights where the chats would go on for ages and we had quite a bit to talk about but since that stage of has passed we now seldom chat more than the usual greetings and regular new and jokes. I do hope that the gap doesn't become to large and i become a distant memory like with my other cousins.
I can really only hope at this time as recently she is battling her own battles and all i can really do is listen and support her and hope that in time she will succeed and be a much sweeter and happier person.

Back on topic with my dream, the last segment was totally weird, as I mind numbingly walk toward the front of the house, the front room was a re-creation of the service desk area from my workplace. Obviously it was totally out of concept here but standing there was a Indian guy waiting to be serve. This section of my dream was totally a blur to me, I couldn't remember actually having a conversation with him though I wouldn't want to as they are stereotyped into two categories in my opinion. They are either very Thick skin and are unhappy with everything or they have so much to ask that they don't leave u alone. Well that what happen in my line of work and having to deal with Indian every now and then but it not as bad as what I explain it to be, as long as I can keep the conversation short by not being to detail but sometime they never stop asking questions in which case I wonder if they ever heard of a website called google.com.

One reason I think that my dream showed a recreation of the service desk is most probably because i spend my working day serving customer there or monitoring the webcam security that is focused on the service desk. That pretty much what I think, there is no other explanation.

Everything else was a blur but just before I woke up I remember a white car driving past what appears to be the front of my house and inside the car was a bunch of Indians. This and the fact that my grandmas old house warp into the front of my house really make me confused as to what this last part all means. Dreams are just so weird.

Now it time to sleep and hopefully dream once more.

This is me and all about me
Ben Ben

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