Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 1 - 3rd August 2010 - Survival

So my first day of my new goals.

I've managed to survive!, Another fresh week at the work place and as normal I go about my duties. I really need to get more sleep since I really get tired in the afternoon and the drive home is such a pain having to try keep myself awake the entire 30-45min drive home. Im so scared that I would fall asleep and slam into the side wall that is on the freeway. Let hope that never has to happen.

Had a interesting call from very upset lady that was made that she hasn't got her modem warranty return after 6weeks. The process of warranty is a long drawn out process in which it goes from our office to the suppliers and it then up to the supplier to send it off to the manufacturer to get it covered under warranty. All process require a person to handle the job and it really depends on how fast these handlers carry out the warranty. Customer expect that there broken item is return in like a few days or something. It really shows that many people just don't understand how much effort we put in to help the customer with there broken items that are covered by warranty. So this lady was going off and pretty much the entire conversation was her yelling on the other end of the phone about blah blah blah etc, reason why i didn't go into specifics was that I was browsing and waiting for her to shut her trap so I could repeat the warranty process and why it takes so long. It may sound mean what I did but imagine trying to explain something when your bombarded by noise. It almost impossible, anyway eventually I told her to calm down and we will see if the item was ready and give her a call back later. The end result was the item has been fixed and was ready to pickup.

One in a blue moon you get these kind of people that a kinda spoilt and know nothing about how the working world works and have no patience what so ever.

So the rest of the day was the normal day doing work and waiting for the 5:30 time to arrive. Once it did arrive it was back home to get some rest and dinner before my bball game which schedule pretty late. Well I got back home and I did not get any rest, instead I jump straight onto Starcraft 2 and started doing more missions from the campaign before dinner. I had fun playing this amazing game and it kept me from looking to chat with my cousins although seeing them online really made me want to chat to them but as with my goals, I had to stick with it.:(

So I survived not eating anything till dinner, afterward played abit more Starcraft and headed to bball. I should of really take a nap, since i was feeling kinda tired before ball. Starcraft is a real time strategy game and these type of game require constant thinking and since I haven't played one of these game in a long time I still getting my brain to get use to the constant thinking that is required. It really suck up alot of energy.

But apart from that, I'm physically fit enough to cope with playing bball with a tired mind, and yes I'm self praising myself.

At bball, It was the start of a fresh new season so the first game I expect most of my team mates were not in shape or use to playing again since they don't do any training like my Wednesday team. Our center was still on holiday so we didn't have the great tower defence we needed to grab the rebounds, so the end result was a lose but we did play well enough but by not having our star center we practically had the ball far less than the opposition in which they really kept getting the ball back after a miss shot while we pretty much had only one opportunity per possession to try and score. To summarise this it really means you can't win a ball game if you don't have the ball more than the opponent and that is exactly what happen tonight.

So coming home I ended my night with some browsing and starcraft. At this very moment I'm in bed typing out this post and trying not to think about eating any food before bed. I know it a craving habit that I been having lately and as my goal specifies, NO MORE SNACKS BEFORE BED!. What I'm craving you maybe thinking?, well the food that I really want to eat now are chocolate, biscuits, cereal, bread with peanut butter, ice cream and shapes biscuits. arrhhhhh

Well I'll end my blog here, and go watch latest episode of YongSeo couple WGM before sleeping!!! jjaing
Happy, Sad, Depressed or Angry
I'll always be happy around everyone I care for,
If me being happy can make another person happy
then it best to be happy rather than Sad, Depressed or Angry


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